I know it is only 'natural' for 'grassroots movements' to hit the mainstream marketing scene. And I realize that it is an overall good thing that they do, but it can be quite annoying. I have been bothered by 'Natural' for quite sometime, but today at the gym when I saw a Pizza Hut commercial it sent me over the edge. Pizza Hut has a new 'Natural' Pepporoni Pizza, yes, 'Natural'. The crust is 'whole grain' and the sauce does not use any high-fructose corn syrup. Again, I know that overall this is a good thing that "unnatural" ingredients are coming to the mainstream consciousness, but it is still annoying. Seriously, I mean, what are they really saying about their existing product line? They are essentially admitting that the rest of their products are 'unnatural'. What is even crazier is that we buy into these labels of 'Natural' and the FDA isn't even really regulating that term. And as much as I am indeed a proponent of 'Natural', I think it is clearing being abused. And really, if I am going to eat at Pizza Hut I would not worry about it being 'Natural', it's Pizza Hut!
Isn't everything "natural," if you really break it down? Every eighteen-syllable chemical ingredient was derived from something simple and natural, however distant.
Maybe the next trend will be locally sourced fast food ingredients...
Nacho cheese, that's natural, isn't it? Funny you should post this right now, as Dave and I were savouring our chips and salsa con queso.
How can it remain so smooth and cheesy, yet never spoil? Perhaps it's the petroleum products they mix in.
You are so right, Amy. And it bugs me, too. Come on. But it's the American public's fault. If we didn't want every good idea mashed into nothingness, we wouldn't pay for it. Well, *we* don't because we are cooler and smarter than most. I wink as I say it, but let's face it . . .
Having said that, I, like Karolina, do enjoy a jar of plastic cheese poured over perfect triangles of corn and chemicals.
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