03 February 2009

I am feeling a bit down, I gained 1.2 lbs! I really don't know what happened. I was very diligent in tracking everything that went into my mouth! It was even one of those weeks where I was able to bring my own lunch every day (no lunch meetings). I was very prudent with my points all week so that I could enjoy a special anniversaryry dinner with my sweet husband (we started dating 15 years ago!). I even stepped up my exercise because my crazy friend had a wild idea that we should *run* a 5 mile race at the end of the month (she really sold me on the idea when she mentioned that a pancake breakfast would be waiting at the finish line). It just doesn't make sense! My Aunt Flow did come to visit, but I just don't recall this presenting as an issue with past weight-loss endeavors. Well, I am not giving up! It is getting a bit more difficult to see how I will reach 20lbs in 17 weeks, but I am not going to stop trying. I know that I am also making positive changes in my life, and that has to count for something!


Shaie said...

Well, you look gorgeous! Hang in there. You are doing an excellent job and I'm betting that if you were to measure you would see a difference. My guess is that you are gaining muscle with all of the exercise that you're doing. Still discouraging at the scale, I realize, but like you said, you are making positive changes and that counts for everything!

Anonymous said...

Keep at it! I must say, you both look quite smashing in that photo. :D I like the nice stripes + circles combination. So sharp!

hannah m said...

Amy, you're doing everything right - keep it up! Your stick-to-it-ive-ness is inspiring!

You and Dale look so cute in your anniversary photo! Happy Anniversary!

AmyK said...

Thanks All! I cheated and weighed myself the next day when I was not so bloated and saw a nice decrease...so I will not be jumping from a tall building ;) It's not all about the loss, but it does in fact help keep you motivated when you see that number decrease.

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